A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 158


Romans (Part 1)

Paul is nearing the end of his 3rd Missionary Journey. As he turns south towards Corinth, his heart yearns to continue westward to Rome to meet the church of believers that has formed there in the heart of the Empire.

 He can’t go to see them quite yet, so he writes a letter that is widely regarded as his Magnum Opus--a sweeping statement of his theology. We discover that, as usual, Paul’s words are controversial. Four hundred years later, the Early Church Fathers quite literally spill blood as they fight over what it means for Jesus to be both divine and human and whether the Holy Spirit is part of God and Jesus or not.

 And, of course, there’s the big clobber passage in Romans 1 that has been used to bash the LGBTQ community. We discover this passage actually applies to us all equally.

​We cover Romans 1.

A free Study Guide is available. A video version of the class is available on YouTube. More info at EversBibleClass.com.


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