A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 132


In the Tomb

Jesus is crucified the day after Passover. It’s a Friday, and since the Passover Festival lasts a whole week, the next day is a High Sabbath. It is imperative to the religious leaders that the bodies of the men crucified not be left over the Sabbath. 

They ask and receive special permission to have their legs broken to hasten their death so the bodies can be removed before sundown. But when the soldiers get to Jesus they don’t break his legs because he’s already dead. This makes a lightning connection in John’s mind with the Passover lamb whose bones must not be broken.

Jesus is quickly entombed and as far as we know, nothing else happens until he is resurrected on Sunday morning. So why do people think Jesus went to Hell in the meantime?

We cover 
   Matthew 27:56-66; 28:1
   Mark 15:42-47; 16:1-4
   Luke 23:50-56; 24:1-3
   John 19:31-42; 20:1, 11-17

A free Study Guide is available. A video version of the class is available on YouTube. More info at EversBibleClass.com.


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