A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 131


The Crucifixion

Jesus is too weak to drag the crossbar of his cross to the hill of execution so a passing traveler is dragooned into carrying it for him.

He is stripped naked, and his wrists and feet are nailed to the cross. As the soldiers argue about who gets which bit of his clothing, other people jeer and mock Jesus. “If you are the Messiah, save yourself!”

As Jesus dies, he mumbles the first line of Psalm 22, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” It sounds like God has withdrawn himself from Jesus in his hour of greatest need, but using our backpack tools we discover this is not the case at all!

We cover 
   Matthew 27:32-56
   Mark 15:21-41
   Luke 23:26-49
   John 19:16-30
   Psalm 22

A free Study Guide is available. A video version of the class is available on YouTube. More info at EversBibleClass.com.


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