A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 130


On Trial Before Herod and Pilate

It is the early hours just after dawn. The religious leaders have condemned Jesus to death for blasphemy, but for a public crucifixion they need Roman authority. They bind Jesus and take him to Pilate, the governor of Judea. 

Pilate can’t find any reason to crucify Jesus, but upon discovering he’s from Galilee Pilate sends him to Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee, who is in Jerusalem for the Passover. Herod can’t get a thing out of Jesus either.

Meanwhile the religious leaders are whipping the crowd into a frenzied, bloodthirsty mob. When the religious leaders tell Pilate, “He has declared himself King, and if you do not sentence him you are no friend of Caesar’s!” Pilate is backed into a corner. He must quell this riot. He must be seen to support Caesar. So he acquiesces and condemns Jesus to death by crucifixion.

We cover 
   Matthew 27:1-31
   Mark 15:1-20
   Luke 23:1-25
   John 18:28-40; 19:1-15

A free Study Guide is available. A video version of the class is available on YouTube. More info at EversBibleClass.com.


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