A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 129


On Trial Before The Religious Leaders

After they finish the Passover meal, Jesus and the disciples make their way to the Garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives, just across from the Temple gates. There, Jesus tells the disciples to be alert for trouble is coming, but they cannot keep their eyes open. Jesus prays in agony, wrestling with his feelings about his torture and crucifixion. This is not where he wants to go.

Meanwhile, Judas Iscariot has alerted the religious leaders where Jesus can be found, and they send a contingent of soldiers to arrest him. Jesus stops the ensuing violence and is taken to his trial at the hands of the religious elite. It is here, finally, that he tells them openly that he is indeed the Messiah, the Son of God.

Peter, in fear for his own life, denies ever even knowing Jesus. When the rooster crows he is overcome with remorse, remembering that Jesus had told him he would fail in this exact way this very night.
We cover 
   Matthew 26:30-32; 36-75
   Mark 14:26-28; 32-72
   Luke 22:24-30; 35-71
   John 18:1-27

A free Study Guide is available. A video version of the class is available on YouTube. More info at EversBibleClass.com.


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