
Showing posts from February, 2024

A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 143

                              Wrapping Up Galatians Paul tries everything he can think of to convince the Galatians not to fall back into the Law. He tries a pretty unique argument, making the distinction between “seed” singular and “seed” plural, saying the singular version in the Abrahamic Covenant refers to Jesus. Interesting idea and we look to see if his argument holds water linguistically. His point is that God’s covenant of blessing and grace preceded the Law! He tells them the Law was simply put in place to act as a guardian until the coming of Jesus. And he doubles down by saying those under the Law are slaves like Hagar’s child, Ishmael, while those under grace are free like Sarah’s child, Isaac. These are strong words, worth looking at a little closer. We cover  Galatians 3:23-6:18. A free  Study Guide  is available. A  video   version  of the class is available on YouTube...

A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 142

                              Trouble in Antioch Paul and Barnabas are back in Antioch after their missionary journey to Galatia. Peter comes for a visit and mingles with all the new believers--Jews and Gentiles alike.  All is well until some Jewish believers show up from Judea and insist that all Gentile believers must be circumcised and follow the Law of Moses. Even Peter and Barnabas are swayed, but Paul is horrified. He calls Peter out, and Peter returns to Jerusalem. The believers in Antioch cannot decide what to do, so they send Paul and Barnabas and others to Jerusalem to consult the leaders there. Meanwhile, Jewish believers are making the same case for circumcision to the new believers in Galatia. Paul writes the Galatians a letter, warning them not to fall for this. We cover      Acts 15:1-35     Galatians 2:1 thru 3:22 A free  Study Guide  is available. A  v...

A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 141

                              Journey Thru Galatia Barnabas and Saul are sent by the church in Syrian Antioch to preach the Good News far and wide. They, along with Barnabas' young relative John Mark, head out for Galatia. Along the way they meet with great success and with great hardship. John Mark throws in the towel, but Barnabas and Saul persist. Gradually, Saul begins to take the leadership role and from this point on is called by his Roman name: Paul. A near-death experience leaves its mark on Paul for the rest of his life, including what he later calls his “thorn in the flesh.” We cover: Acts 13-14 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 A free  Study Guide  is available. A  video   version  of the class is available on YouTube. More info at .